The Big Fat List of male people

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This is a complete list of everything that's been voted on, best to worst. If anything obvious is missing, please submit more options or get voting!

181 Terry Pratchett

Terry Pratchett


182 Gus Van Sant

Gus Van Sant

Male director

183 Rajon Rondo

Rajon Rondo

Male sportsperson

184 Rutherford Birchard Hayes

Rutherford Birchard Hayes

US president

185 Mike Pence

Mike Pence

Male politician

186 Beck


Male musician

187 Gordon Ramsay

Gordon Ramsay

Male TV personality

188 Tiger Woods

Tiger Woods

Male sportsperson

189 David Cameron

David Cameron

Male politician

190 Anderson Cooper

Anderson Cooper

Male news presenter

191 John Waters

John Waters

Male director

192 Dr Crippen

Dr Crippen

Male historical figure / killer

193 Andy Richter

Andy Richter

Male TV personality

194 Andrew Johnson

Andrew Johnson

US president

195 Benjamin Harrison

Benjamin Harrison

US president

196 Kanye West

Kanye West

Male singer

197 Jack the Ripper

Jack the Ripper

Male historical figure / killer

198 Terrence Howard

Terrence Howard

Male actor

199 Grover Cleveland

Grover Cleveland

US president

200 Woodrow Wilson

Woodrow Wilson

US president