The Big Fat List of men

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This is a complete list of everything that's been voted on, best to worst. If anything obvious is missing, please submit more options or get voting!

361 Louis CK

Louis CK

Male actor / comedian

362 'Wash' Washburne

'Wash' Washburne

Male TV character

363 O.J. Simpson

O.J. Simpson

Actor / sportsperson

364 Judge Dredd

Judge Dredd

Antihero / comic book character

365 Wesley Crusher (Star Trek: The Next Generation)

Wesley Crusher (Star Trek: The Next Generation)

Male Star Trek character / TV character

366 Baz Luhrmann

Baz Luhrmann

Male director

367 Gene Hunt (Life on Mars)

Gene Hunt (Life on Mars)

Male TV character

368 Prince Harry

Prince Harry

Male royalty

369 Raylan Givens (Justified)

Raylan Givens (Justified)

Male TV character

370 Lyndon B. Johnson

Lyndon B. Johnson

US president

371 Mitt Romney

Mitt Romney

Male politician

372 Paul Ryan

Paul Ryan

Male politician

373 Richard M. Nixon

Richard M. Nixon

US president

374 Boyd Crowder (Justified)

Boyd Crowder (Justified)

Male TV character

375 Mohamed Morsi

Mohamed Morsi

Male politician

376 Booster Gold

Booster Gold

Male comic book character / superhero

377 Rick Santorum

Rick Santorum

Male politician

378 Rob Zombie

Rob Zombie

Director / singer

379 Taylor Twellman

Taylor Twellman

Male sportsperson

380 Jeremy Kyle

Jeremy Kyle

Male TV personality